About This Panel

Turf Exchange is GCI’s first-ever standing research panel, comprising a select group of superintendents from across the country.

Research is a critical part of how we serve readers and how we help industry partners make good decisions. We decided to form an ongoing panel of leading superintendents after working successfully with a cutting-edge market research firm, Kynetec, which specializes in green industry and ag research. They are, quite simply, the best in the business.

The goal is very simple – we would like to provide you with as much real time information as possible from your colleagues around the country. By answering a few questions a couple of times a month – we will not bother you during the crazy times and we will NEVER ask for more than 5 minutes of your time - we will provide you with feedback in the form of a monthly digital newsletter which will show you the accumulation of the results from fellow supers from around the USA.
We’re excited about this and hope that you are too!

Best regards

Pat Jones
Publisher & Editorial Director
Golf Course Industry